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唐式症(Down syndrome)是一種由於第21對染色體異常引起的遺傳性疾病,主要特徵包括智力發展遲緩和一些特定的身體特徵。唐氏症患者可能面臨健康挑戰,但透過提高公眾認識、支持家庭、推動包容教育和倡導權益。社團法人高雄市唐氏症歡喜協會致力於支持唐氏症患者及其家庭,提供資源、教育和社會關懷,促進包容與理解,幫助他們更好地融入社會,展現潛力。
Down syndrome is a genetic condition caused by abnormalities in the 21st pair of chromosomes. It is characterized primarily by intellectual developmental delays and certain distinct physical features. Individuals with Down syndrome may face health challenges, but through public awareness, family support, inclusive education, and advocacy for their rights, they can lead fulfilling lives. Corporation Aggregate Kaohsiung City Down Syndrome Association is dedicated to supporting individuals with Down syndrome and their families by providing resources, education, and social care. The organization promotes inclusion and understanding, helping them integrate better into society and realize their potential.