愛迪思台灣 Welcome To IDEAs Taiwan
Janna 於2023 畢業於KAS高雄美國學校,並榮獲 KAS 服務獎。目前在美國紐約大學攻讀教育與應用心理學雙學位,副修娛樂、媒體與科技商業。
深信教育是推動社會變革的核心力量,Janna 對於推廣藝術、公益、科技及生態意識充滿熱忱,致力於創造積極的影響。在台灣及紐約資源匱乏的社區中,Janna 帶領團隊長期投入志願服務,並與多元文化教育工作者合作,累積了豐富的實務經驗,幫助參與者探索及成長。她熱衷於策劃並輔導具影響力的活動,同時搭建校際合作並推動有意義的社會改變。
Janna graduated from Kaohsiung American School (KAS) in 2023, where she received the KAS Service Award. She is now pursuing a double major in Education and Applied Psychology with a minor in the Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology at New York University.
Believing that education drives social change, Janna is passionate about promoting the arts, charity, technology, and ecological awareness to create lasting impact. In underserved communities in Taiwan and New York, she has led volunteer teams and collaborated with educators from diverse backgrounds, gaining hands-on experience that fosters exploration and growth. She is committed to organizing initiatives that raise awareness of social issues, foster school collaborations, and drive meaningful change.
Susan Shein 畢業於加州大學伯克利分校,主修跨領域研究,並於國立政治大學完成國際事業管理碩士 (IMBA) 學位。她擁有廣泛的業務顧問經驗,曾協助多個產業整合系統,將策略思維與解決方案結合。自 2016 年以來,Susan 擔任幼兒園執行長,深信幼兒教育對塑造未來的重要性,並認為愛與永續是教育的核心。在關愛的環境中,孩子們學習同理心、合作與社會責任,為未來奠定基礎。
Susan 運用組織策略、系統整合與兒童教育的專業知識,支持IDEAs Taiwan的慈善與教育計劃。 她的理念與 IDEAs Taiwan 相契合,致力於促進兒童成長、鼓勵親子互動、培養社會責任感,並創造有意義且富有樂趣的學習體驗。
Susan Shein graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and earned an IMBA from National Chengchi University. With a background in business consulting, she has assisted various industries with system integration and strategic solutions. Since 2016, Susan has been Executive Director of a kindergarten, advocating love and sustainability as key educational principles. She believes a nurturing environment helps children develop empathy, cooperation, and social responsibility, laying a strong foundation for their future.
Susan contributes her expertise in organizational strategy and education to support IDEAs Taiwan's initiatives to promote children's growth, parent-child interaction, and social responsibility through meaningful learning experiences.