愛迪思台灣 Welcome To IDEAs Taiwan
民視新聞網 Formosa TV News network
Release Date: Dec 21, 2024
Release Date: Dec 21, 2024
Taiwan News Formosa TV
Release Date:2024/10/31
發佈日期:2024/10/28 08:12
除了展覽本身,今年的藝術節還加入了公益元素。由IDEAs Taiwan和KAS高雄美國學校攜手推出的「藝術與愛的力量」慈善義賣展,展出了85位藝術家創作的106幅作品,義賣所得全數捐給台灣雷特氏症病友關懷協會。逛展的同時還能做公益,絕對是讓人暖心又充滿意義的一次體驗。
承億酒店「第三屆亞洲插畫藝術博覽會」更邀請特別參展商,IDEAs Taiwan愛迪思臺灣攜手KAS高雄美國學校一群熱愛繪畫的媽媽們,長期推廣藝術美學及投入慈善公益。IDEAs Taiwan愛廸思臺灣兩位創辦人,就讀IIS義大國際高中Hugo W及KAS高雄美國學校Hong L ,聯合學生丶家長跨校合作,在亞洲插畫藝術博覽會舉辦「藝術與愛的力量」慈善義賣油畫美展,以「為罕病而畫」為使命,匯聚85位慈善藝術家、展出106幅作品,創下大會首次展間人數及作品數量最多的紀錄。承億酒店也鼎力支持助力本次慈善義賣的收益,並捐出該展間全額收入惠及社團法人臺灣雷特氏症病友關懷協會。
承億酒店「第三屆亞洲插畫藝術博覽會」更邀請特別參展商,IDEAs Taiwan愛迪思臺灣攜手KAS高雄美國學校一群熱愛繪畫的媽媽們,長期推廣藝術美學及投入慈善公益。IDEAs Taiwan愛廸思臺灣兩位創辦人,就讀IIS義大國際高中Hugo W及KAS高雄美國學校Hong L,聯合學生丶家長跨校合作,在亞洲插畫藝術博覽會舉辦「藝術與愛的力量」慈善義賣油畫美展,以「為罕病而畫」為使命,匯聚85位慈善藝術家、展出106幅作品,創下大會首次展間人數及作品數量最多的紀錄。承億酒店也鼎力支持,助力本次慈善義賣的收益,惠及社團法人臺灣雷特氏症病友關懷協會。
The 2024 Asia Illustration Art Fair will open on Christmas Eve in Kaohsiung. This year, a special oil painting auction will feature, raising money for the Rett Syndrome Association. The project was launched by students and parents from two of Kaohsiung’s international schools. They’re hoping to auction off 100 self-painted artworks, and raise awareness about the rare medical condition, Rett Syndrome.
本場義賣參展者有28位,總共39幅作品,由楊老師教導的唐氏症歡喜協會親子油畫班,加上一群熱愛藝術的KAS高雄美國學校家長及學生組成的油畫專班,媽媽和孩子們一起為愛而畫,並捐出畫作義賣響應公益。其中No.38六聯作「愛· 無限」的作品以數學符號「∞」意含無限大、無止境愛的守護為創作發想,與本次的策展理念不謀而合呼應共鳴。值得一提,2022年某位愛心收藏家,將當時收藏慢飛天使所畫的作品,在這次慈善活動中再次捐出義賣-No.1「禮物」Gift,讓良善的循環繼續延續下去。
Over the past few days, KAS student Hong and IIS student Hugo hosted an event at taiurbanresort through their charity, IDEAs Taiwan, to raise funds for those affected by Rett Syndrome. Their commitment to making a difference is inspiring!
A big shoutout to our Future Leaders interns, Andre, Annabelle, and Sophia, who supported the event from December 19 to 22. And thanks to our wonderful FLP community partner, Tai Urban Resort for your support.
The KAS Kaohsiung American School Oil Painting Class is formed by a group of KAS mothers who are passionate about oil painting. The two founders of IDEAs Taiwan, who also serve as curators, are students at I-Shou International School and Kaohsiung American School. Despite coming from different international schools, they share a commitment to raising awareness of public welfare through arts.
The 1514 exhibition, titled "The Power of Art and Love," unites over 93 compassionate artists with the mission of "Painting for Rare Diseases." This event showcases 107 pieces of artwork for charity fundraising, marking the first philanthropic initiative at the 2004 Asia STAART Illustration Art Fair and setting new records for both artist and artwork numbers.
We extend special thanks to one of the organizers, TAI Urban Hotel, for their invaluable support, which will help ensure that the proceeds from this charity exhibit benefit more patients with Rett syndrome, a rare disease.
Hong (Grade 9) and his peer Hugo from I-Shou International School are spearheading a Charity Art Auction to support the Rett Syndrome Association. This meaningful project aims to raise both awareness and funds for this rare and challenging disease. Click below to learn more about the impact of their efforts, and save the date for the oil painting auction at the Staart Illustration Art Fair opening on Christmas Eve.
由義大國際高中學生Hugo Wang與高雄美國學校學生Hong Lai共同策展,於承億酒店舉辦亞洲插畫藝術博覽會,本次慈善義賣的收益,惠及更多雷特氏症罕見疾病患者。
本校學生Hugo Wang長期關注雷特氏協並擔任服務志工,希望透過本次的慈善活動,讓社會上更多人認識罕見疾病並呼籲社會給予最大的支持。
Students Hugo Wang from I-Shou International High School and Hong Lai from Kaohsiung American School have co-curated and organized the Asia Illustration Art Fair in the Tai Urban Resort. The proceeds from this charity sale will benefit more patients with Rett syndrome, a rare disease.
Hugo Wang, a student at I-Shou, has long been dedicated to supporting the Rett Syndrome Association and serves as a volunteer. Through this charity event, he hopes to raise awareness about rare diseases and encourage society to give its full support.
Let’s applaud these students for using their talents to bring care and compassion to those in need.