愛迪思台灣 Welcome To IDEAs Taiwan
夏夫小農慈善美展 Shafarm Charity Oil Painting Exhibition
The centerpiece of this charity sale is an oil painting titled 《Sea of Flowers》, created by eight-year-old Stark Shein in 2024.
展覽期間 Exhibition Time | 2.15 (六) ~ 4.13 (六) 餐廳營業時間
展覽地點 Venue | 夏夫小農蔬食餐廳 高雄市鼓山區裕興路101號 Shafarm Vegetarian Restuarant No. 101, Yuxing Rd, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City
策展人 Curators |謝百涵 Susan Shein, 王以昕 Hugo Wang, 賴家弘 Hong Lai
主辦單位 Organizers | 愛迪思臺灣 IDEAs Taiwan, 夏夫小農 Shafarm
協辦單位 Co-organizers | 遊於藝油彩空間 Speaking from Nature, 高雄美國學校 KAS, 義大國際高中 IIS
贊助單位 Sponsor | 都市建設股份有限公司 Urban Group
受贈單位 Charity Recipient | 社團法人臺灣雷特氏症病友關懷協會 Taiwan Rett Syndrome Association
IDEAs Taiwan 愛迪思致力於推廣藝術美學與慈善公益。本次美展以「光芒綻放」為主題,集結了 16 位慈善藝術家,展出 16 幅義賣作品,展覽收益將全數捐贈給社團法人臺灣雷特氏症病友關懷協會支持雷特氏症病友,讓每一份愛心化為病友們生命中的光芒。
夏夫小農蔬食餐廳強調在地食材與永續發展,選用當季有機食材,與小農合作推廣低碳飲食,減少浪費與碳足跡。餐廳重視環保設計與節能設備,降低環境影響。這理念與 IDEAs Taiwan 的宗旨契合,透過藝術與公益,推動社會關懷與永續發展,共創美好未來。
IDEAs Taiwan is dedicated to promoting arts and charitable causes. This art exhibition, themed "Canvas of Light", brings together 16 philanthropic artists showcasing 16 artworks for charity. All proceeds from the exhibition will be donated to the Taiwan Rett Syndrome Association to support individuals with Rett syndrome, turning every act of kindness into a beacon of light in their lives.
Shafarm Vegetarian Restaurant emphasizes local ingredients and sustainable development, using seasonal organic produce and collaborating with small farmers to promote low-carbon dining, reduce waste, and lower carbon footprints. The restaurant values eco-friendly design and energy-efficient equipment to minimize environmental impact. This philosophy aligns perfectly with IDEAs Taiwan's mission to advance social care and sustainable development through art and charity, creating a brighter future together.
We warmly invite you to join this "Canvas of Light" exhibition, where the brilliance of art can bring warmth and hope to those in need.
楊庭程博士畢業於英國薩塞克斯大學。他的藝術之旅充滿創意與熱情,且多項作品在歐洲藝術界獲得高度認可。楊博士曾參與法國獨立藝術家沙龍(Salon des Indépendants)及秋季沙龍(Salon d'Automne),並在英國受到Alan Kingwell的指導,受到西方文化的啟發,發展出柔和且穩重的油畫風格,特別擅長詮釋海景。他獲得美國Bob Ross多項認證,並屢次參與國際展覽,包括法國秋季沙龍等,作品在歐洲藝術界獲得高度肯定。此外,楊博士也獲得了Alexander Art Certificate。
Dr. Yang Ting-Cheng, graduated from the University of Sussex in the UK. His artistic journey is filled with creativity and passion, and many of his works have received high recognition in the European art scene. Dr. Yang has been selected to participate in the Salon des Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne in France. He studied under Alan Kingwell in the UK, where he was inspired by Western culture, developing a soft and stable oil painting style, particularly skilled in interpreting seascapes. Dr. Yang has received multiple certifications from Bob Ross and has participated in various international exhibitions, including the Salon d'Automne, with his works gaining significant acclaim in the European art community.
16 Artists, 16 paintings, 2024, Oil on canvas, |16 位參展人、共16幅、2024年、油彩畫布、無框
No. 29
盛開 Blossom
姚皓妍 Harriet Yiu
33 x 24cm
No. 33
繁花似錦,浮生若夢 Bustling Bright Life is
like a Dream
李婉翎 WanLing Li
33 x 24cm
No. 34
自畫像 Self-Portrait
Weilun Tsai
33 x 24cm
No. 42
黃玫瑰 Yellow Rose
劉艷琴 Yanqin Liu
33 x 24сm
No. 46
春蝶桃米 Spring Butterflies Taomi
張敦燕 Dunyan Zhang
33 x 24cm
No. 54
船 Boat
簡里昂 Leon Chien
33 x 24cm
No. 60
熱氣球 Hot Balloon
陳怡光 Gloria Chen
33 x 24cm
No. 65
冬日可愛 The Lovely Sun in Winter
黃祿芸 Lu-Yun Huang
33 x 24cm
No. 72
晨曦 Dawn
吳宇軒 Ethan Wu
33 x 24cm
No. 75
河堤秋色 Autumn by the Riverbank
Wen-JIE Chen
33 x 24cm
No. 76
異想天開 Wild Ideas
陳麗娥 Li-E Chen
33 x 24cm
No. 84
眼睛 Eye
楊璦寧 Ivy Yang
33 x 24cm
No. 85
楊璦嘉 Yvonne Niu Yang
33 x 24cm
No. 98
自然的角落 Nature's Nook
賴家弘 Hong Lai
33 x 24cm
愛心收藏價 | NT$2,600
No. 99
山海的呼喚 Echoes of Mountain and Sea
賴家禾 Herwin Lai
33 x 24cm
No. 100
倒影 Reflection
郭彥寬 Chris Kuo
33 x 24cm