愛迪思台灣 Welcome To IDEAs Taiwan
我們的油畫指導老師是楊庭程博士,畢業於英國薩塞克斯大學。他的藝術之旅充滿創意與熱情,且多項作品在歐洲藝術界獲得高度認可。楊博士曾參與法國獨立藝術家沙龍(Salon des Indépendants)及秋季沙龍(Salon d'Automne),並在英國受到Alan Kingwell的指導,受到西方文化的啟發,發展出柔和且穩重的油畫風格,特別擅長詮釋海景。他獲得美國Bob Ross多項認證,並屢次參與國際展覽,包括法國秋季沙龍等,作品在歐洲藝術界獲得高度肯定。此外,楊博士也獲得了Alexander Art Certificate。他的藝術理念和教學方式與IDEAs Taiwan的使命—促進創意、教育與文化交流—高度契合。
Our oil painting instructor, Dr. Yang Ting-Cheng, graduated from the University of Sussex in the UK. His artistic journey is filled with creativity and passion, and many of his works have received high recognition in the European art scene. Dr. Yang has been selected to participate in the Salon des Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne in France. He studied under Alan Kingwell in the UK, where he was inspired by Western culture, developing a soft and stable oil painting style, particularly skilled in interpreting seascapes. Dr. Yang has received multiple certifications from Bob Ross and has participated in various international exhibitions, including the Salon d'Automne, with his works gaining significant acclaim in the European art community. His artistic philosophy and teaching approach align closely with the mission of IDEAs Taiwan—promoting creativity, education, and cultural exchange.