愛迪思台灣 Welcome To IDEAs Taiwan
都市建設秉持「家的情與義」理念,認為建築應該與自然和諧融合,為居住者創造溫馨、舒適的家園。他們強調,建築不僅要美觀,更要帶來情感上的連結與溫暖,讓每個家都充滿生活的幸福感。這與IDEAs Taiwan的理念非常契合。都市建設支持IDEAs Taiwan的慈善活動,兩者共同努力在社會中傳遞關懷與愛心,為社會貢獻更溫暖的力量。
Urban Group believes that architecture should harmoniously blend with nature to create a warm and comfortable living space for its residents. They emphasize that buildings should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also foster emotional connections and warmth, ensuring that every home is filled with a sense of happiness and life. This aligns perfectly with the values of IDEAs Taiwan. "Urban Group" supports IDEAs Taiwan's charitable initiatives, and together, they work towards spreading care and compassion in society, contributing to the creation of a warmer community.